How to Generate GUID in Ruby

Generating GUIDs in Ruby

Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs), also known as Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs), are essential for uniquely identifying information in computing. This guide will explore how to generate GUIDs in Ruby, a powerful and versatile programming language.

In Ruby, you can generate GUIDs using the SecureRandom module, which provides a secure random number generator suitable for generating GUIDs. The uuid method from this module returns a randomly generated UUID in the standard format.

require 'securerandom'

# Generate a new GUID
guid = SecureRandom.uuid

puts "Generated GUID: #{guid}"

By incorporating GUIDs into your Ruby scripts, you can ensure the uniqueness of identifiers, which is crucial for various applications like database records, session management, and distributed systems.


In conclusion, generating GUIDs in Ruby is straightforward using the SecureRandom module's uuid method. Understanding how to generate GUIDs in Ruby empowers you to create robust and secure applications that rely on unique identifiers for data integrity and system interoperability.