How to Generate GUID in SQL


Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs), also referred to as Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs), are essential for ensuring unique identification of records in databases. In SQL, generating GUIDs is a common practice for uniquely identifying rows in a table. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of GUIDs in SQL, their definition, advantages, and methods to generate them.

What Defines a GUID?

A GUID is a 128-bit value known for its global uniqueness. It is typically represented as a string of 32 hexadecimal characters separated by hyphens, such as "3F2504E0-4F89-41D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301". GUIDs are particularly useful in distributed systems where ensuring uniqueness without centralized coordination is essential. Their wide adoption across various platforms and programming languages, including SQL, highlights their importance in maintaining data integrity and facilitating effective communication.

Advantages of Utilizing GUIDs

Using GUIDs in database systems offers several advantages:

  • Uniqueness: GUIDs provide a high probability of uniqueness across different instances and times, reducing the risk of identifier collisions.
  • Distributed Systems: In distributed systems, GUIDs enable unique identification of records without requiring a central coordinating authority, simplifying data synchronization and exchange.
  • Data Integrity: GUIDs ensure data integrity by giving each record a globally unique identifier, preventing conflicts and ambiguities.

Generating GUIDs in SQL

Most modern relational database management systems (RDBMS) provide built-in functions to generate GUIDs. Here, we'll explore how to generate GUIDs in some of the most popular SQL databases.

Generating GUIDs in SQL Server

SQL Server has a built-in function NEWID() to generate a new GUID.

-- Generating a GUID in SQL Server

You can also use the NEWID() function to set a default value for a column.

-- Creating a table with a GUID column in SQL Server
    UserName NVARCHAR(100)

Generating GUIDs in MySQL

MySQL uses the UUID() function to generate GUIDs.

-- Generating a GUID in MySQL

To set a default value for a column, you can use triggers because MySQL doesn't allow functions as default values directly.

-- Creating a table with a GUID column using a trigger in MySQL
    UserID CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
    UserName VARCHAR(100),

-- Trigger to insert UUID
CREATE TRIGGER before_insert_users
    SET NEW.UserID = UUID();

Generating GUIDs in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL provides the uuid-ossp extension to generate GUIDs.

-- Enabling the uuid-ossp extension and generating a GUID in PostgreSQL
SELECT uuid_generate_v4() AS NewGUID;

You can also set a default value for a column using the uuid_generate_v4() function.

-- Creating a table with a GUID column in PostgreSQL
    UserID UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
    UserName VARCHAR(100)

Using GUIDs in SQL

GUIDs can be used as primary keys or unique constraints in SQL tables. They are particularly useful when records need to be merged from different databases or when rows are created in different databases but later merged into a single one.

However, there are some considerations to keep in mind when using GUIDs:

  • Performance: GUIDs, being larger than integer identifiers, can affect the performance of your database, especially with indexing and storage.
  • Readability: GUIDs are not as human-readable as integers, making them less convenient for debugging and logging purposes.

Comparing GUID and Auto-Increment Keys in Databases

When designing a database schema, choosing the appropriate type of primary key is crucial. Two common options are GUIDs and auto-increment keys. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on the specific requirements and constraints of your application.

CriteriaGUIDAuto-Increment Key
UniquenessEnsures global uniqueness across tables, databases, and servers.Unique within a single table or database; merging data from multiple sources can lead to collisions.
PerformanceLarger size can impact performance and slow down index operations.Smaller size offers better performance and faster indexing.
ReadabilityLess readable and harder to debug compared to sequential numbers.Easy to read, understand, and debug.
SecurityNot easily guessable, providing an additional layer of security.Predictable, which might pose a security risk in some scenarios.
FragmentationCan cause fragmentation in clustered indexes, affecting performance over time.Typically causes less fragmentation in indexes.
ScalabilityIdeal for distributed systems without requiring central coordination.Challenging to manage in distributed systems due to unique key coordination.

Use Cases

  • GUIDs: Best suited for distributed systems, applications requiring high levels of security, and scenarios where data from different databases needs to be merged.
  • Auto-Increment Keys: Ideal for single-database applications, systems where performance is a priority, and situations where simplicity and readability are important.

Choosing between GUIDs and auto-increment keys depends on your application's specific needs. GUIDs offer global uniqueness and better security, making them suitable for distributed environments. Auto-increment keys provide simplicity and better performance, ideal for single-database systems. Understanding the trade-offs will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your project requirements.


Generating and using GUIDs in SQL databases is straightforward with the built-in functions provided by most RDBMS. By understanding the principles and best practices of using GUIDs, you can effectively manage unique identifiers in your SQL databases, ensuring data integrity and simplifying data management in distributed systems. Whether you're working with SQL Server, MySQL, or PostgreSQL, this guide has provided you with the knowledge to generate and use GUIDs efficiently.